Family Engagement Night at the Dunbar Y Family and Community Center 33 Oak Street in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Springfield, MA -
Research indicates that parent and community involvement that is linked to student learning has a greater effect on achievement than other general forms of involvement. If it is indeed our desire for our children to achieve more, then we the parents as well as the community must take a more active role to be involved. So when Lavar Click, executive director of the Dunbar Y Family & Community Center reached out to me regarding bringing Family Game Night back to the Dunbar, it made me very excited.

More than Games
As an advanced generalist practitioner social worker, I have learned and understand that the ability to engage others successfully takes a lot of skill and practice. Many misinterpret or write off our interventions and approaches such as therapeutic play because they don’t comprehend the concept and underestimate the power of play. We may appear on the surface to be just playing a game however underneath we are modeling effective communication, teaching adaptive behaviors and empowering problem solving abilities just to name a few.
Family Game Night is not a therapy session. Our primary focus is to effectively engage families in a way that’s fun, interactive and in a way that develops skills that ultimately improves achievement.
We at Seeds of a Father are happy to be hosting Family Engagement Night at the Dunbar Y Family & Community Center 33 Oak Street Springfield, MA Tuesdays, July 24th through August 28th 2018 4:30 -7pm. We invite you and your family out for a night of fun.